Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Post Secret

I just went to the postsecret event at my campus arts center and I can't help but feel conflicted. It was a very powerful presentation of peoples secrets exposed. Some students shared being raped. Others confessed they hated themselves. I was shaken by their bravery, but also in awe of human nature. We all want to connect. We all want to feel as though we have something in common with someone. We always feel as though we are alone in our problems, but the reality is, we all have problems. Not a single person is perfect. All of us have secrets. I am an upfront person. I share what I know and what I feel and so entering this event, I could not think of anything to share because I said "I have no secrets". To my surprise, after hearing from others, suppressed things began to come back. I actually have many secrets. The most lie within my own denial of my inner truths that I have pushed aside. How did these people find the courage to share their innermost insecurities with two thousand people? I think deep down we all want to feel our existence. We want to be acknowledged. It is a very courageous act to share such things. Its a bravery I may never know.

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