Sunday, February 28, 2010

If there were a "man store"

Wouldn't it be magical if there were a store where people could shop for their potential partner!? I mean, how wonderful would it be to have life's assholes already labeled for you. No more surprises or "oh shiiiit" moments,because hey, they would be labeled that way. I mean, lets say you like the good guys, they will have to have a clean track record before they can enter, five or less sexual partners....if not...he gets the boot. Wouldn't that make life so much more simplistic? Or those scary ex girlfriends you've had? WHo needs em? They can't enter if they have looked through their previous lovers phones or have the password to their facebook account. Done. I think at times dating is impossible, but hey, what would we have to talk about if we werent venting about the crazies? haha I guess life is just like that. If there ever happens to be a launch on the boyfriend/girlfriend store though, Id put a down payment on it.

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