Thursday, February 22, 2007

Chick Flicks

Jerry Maguire is the BEST movie! Not only is it a cute love story, but the little boy is ADORABLE!!! I always watch this movie whenever I want a good laugh and its definately a "humpday" movie. For some reason I have an obsession with romantic chick flicky films. Yes...yes The Notebook is also one of my favorites. I don't know why me andso many other women watch these movies. They usually make me sad that I cant be with my boyfriend, or if im single, it makes me depressed that I dont have someone to miss. Is it the humor? Is the fact that we can predict what will happen? Or is it the fact that they usually have a happy ending? Whatever it is, someones gotta let me know....cuz im tired of falling under the chick flick rut.

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