Thursday, February 22, 2007
Chick Flicks
Jerry Maguire is the BEST movie! Not only is it a cute love story, but the little boy is ADORABLE!!! I always watch this movie whenever I want a good laugh and its definately a "humpday" movie. For some reason I have an obsession with romantic chick flicky films. Yes...yes The Notebook is also one of my favorites. I don't know why me andso many other women watch these movies. They usually make me sad that I cant be with my boyfriend, or if im single, it makes me depressed that I dont have someone to miss. Is it the humor? Is the fact that we can predict what will happen? Or is it the fact that they usually have a happy ending? Whatever it is, someones gotta let me know....cuz im tired of falling under the chick flick rut.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Romantic need
I know all women who have a significant other will say to their boyfriend/girlfriend...."don't get me flowers for Valentines Day, thats so cliche" but really, we do want flowers. I am one of those girls. I say I do not want anything too special and I bash the holiday for being a money sucker for card company's, but really, I am a pathetic romantic and I love the idea of a day of love. I unfortunately did not spend Valentines Day with my boyfriend...I was alone haha. This weekend I had the BEST Valentines Day EVER! My boyfriend who is never romantic...haha his idea of romantic is getting me a stuffed animal...anyways...he sent me flowers on Saturday and had my mother deliver them! Then on Sunday he took me into Boston and into the North End. This is a soft spot for me because I am VERY Italian and I LOOOOOVE Italian food. I had the best meal at Retorante Villa Francesca.Then we sipped coffee in the grafitii cafe of my favorites and had an amazing night....I was SO impressed. I've got a good one!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Personal essay
How does one find themselves in a paper? I tried so hard to write about a single thing that described me, and I couldnt come up with ANYTHING! Its so difficult to squeeze important life experiences onto four pages. It seems almost impossible. I could write about my family because I get my sense of humor and my love for life from them. I love their food, our culture, but it seems more them than me. I could write about dance, But i quit two years ago. I would write about the New Orleans Trip, but something negative came from it......I lost my faith. I don't know where to begin but i hope to god some kind of miracle happens and an essay srikes me on top of the head before next thursday!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Middle School Fun Times
Last night I went to a dance that was themed "Middle School". It was in the Butterfield Dorm in the basement. It was the most fun I have EVER had. I really felt like I was in middle school again. This was so nostalgic that I could actually remember specific token memories from these dances that happened five years ago. Wow....that seems so long ago! I felt kinda weird at the same time. It was kinda like watching parents when they dance at weddings or partys and they are having a ball, but your thinking...."wow, my parents are SUCH dorks!" . We alll we having a ball because it brought back old memories, but I did notice some of the people hosting it laughing at our dance moves and poking fun at our outrageous enthusiasm. For the first time, I felt kinda old. It was a new feeling to me because Im usually the one that tells my parents how lame they were when they were kids, but this time, I was the lamer haha. I was the one that people were laughing at....I guess from now on I will be nicer to the adults.....because unfortunately, Im getting older too.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Wedding gowns and edgy photos
When I was sitting in my Diversity in Education class yesterday, we played several ice breaking games. One that caught my attention was an immediate questioning and answering game that is played by responding to his question with the first thought that crosses your mind. I enjoyed this game and I didn't think much of it at the time until he asked the troublesome question of "If you could be anything in the world, what would you be" This was in reference to a profession. My response was "A wedding dress designer". My answer shocked many of the students in my class and to be honest, it shocked me too. I am going to school to be an elementary school teacher and my true dream is to design wedding gowns. My professor then proceeded to ask "How many of you are actually going to school for your "dream job"?" I was ashamed to not be raising my hand. I want to be doing my dream job. I don't dream of becoming a teacher. It suites me because I love children and i can teach pretty well, but its not my dream. There are other things I wish to be such as a hairdresser, and a photographer. I never considered these things to be professions because in rare cases they provide a living and are practical. I am an artist and I feel happiest when I am using my creativity. I am beginning to wonder if I shouldchange my major to follow my heart and risk making nothing for a living or if i should go with what is practical? These next four years will probably be the most life changing and challenging years of my life
Sunday, February 4, 2007
math illiteracy
When we were told we could write about absolutely anything...I guess i was taken aback. This statements entitles me to write anything I want to and so, I will. I am going to rant about my math class. I am taking a class that is called math 102, Precalculus. This class is a two semester class that settles the R2 requirement. I HATE IT! I want to become a teacher for third graders and it frustrates me that I need to take complicated math courses to do so. When it comes to English, I am passionate, but math....I could think of many four letter words to describe the subject. In other words, it is not a subject that comes naturally to me. Now we have a complete revision of the course halfway through the year. Now instead of writing out math problems and bringing them into class on a step by step basis, we have to complete the homework online! We have no way of looking back to see what we have done and EVERY thing is graded by the computer. The worst part is, I have to get a 70 or higher to proceed to the next homework or to take the next quiz. If we dont pass these things in before the due date, they don't count. Tonight I have a homework to redue so I can do a quiz. I didnt get a 70, so i have to retake the quiz so i can take the next homework so i can also get a 70 to be able to do wednesday nights homework! I am FURIOUS!!!
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