Thursday, December 10, 2009
I have no idea how we expect men to understand us when I don't even have a clue as to why women are the way we are. We get mad at nothing. We take something small and make it huge! We take sides when we have no business to. We gossip. We travel in large groups or pairs and are incapable of being alone....even for a bathroom trip. Sometimes I feel so foreign to the female species, I have no idea where I fit?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
the games we play
I am so tired of the social standards or what to do and what not to do! I mean, who says you can't wear white in February!? Why are women stereotyped as homosexual if they wear sweats everyday and a baseball cap? Why CAN'T I swear!? Who says I have to wait a certain amount of dates to make something official? Why does ANYTHING need to be official!? Why is there such a hype around every action people take!? It drives me insane. I have always felt I feel most comfortable marching to the beat of my own drum, but I feel like I am always on the outside because of it. I am blunt because I feel honesty in a person is a rare quality and why not tell things the way they are? I feel as though certain social standards of dating, conducting myself as a woman, education, and expectations hold me back. If I hold back on sex, which I do, im considered a prude. If I move too quick too soon, I'm a slut, but its okay for a man to bed as many women as he wants because "its a phase". BULL! I am not supposed to burp or find potty humor amusing, because I am expected to "be a lady". I wear sweatpants and a baseball hat at least four times a week. Its what I do. As soon as I dress in a sexy dress, I'm a slut? What? All of these social standards hold me down. DATING! OH such another realm all together. The girl, she can't be too forward because she will scare him off. She waits for the phone call. She plays hard to get. She is not supposed to let him know how much she likes him. What kind of backwards standard is that!? If I like a guy, I will tell him. If I want to talk to him, I want to call him. Who says its the guy's job to make the first move? Why can't I? I can probably do it better than he can :) Unfortunately it is this attitude that often gets me burned. I stick out. I was not raised to blend in. I like it, but it sure makes things much more difficult.
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