Sunday, April 29, 2007
Good songs
I have been addicted to the following songs lately, "Sparks" by coldplay, "Girlfriend" by Avril Lavigne, "I want it all" by hmmm dunno, "your do damn hot" by OK Go... and hmm o yes "Cupid's Chokehold" by Gym Class Heroes. I love these songs, they are grrreat. I like sparks especially because it reminds me of wedding crashers. I love wedding crashers not just because it is HILARIOUS but also because it was the movie I saw on my first date with my boyfriend of two years. Its good stuff
Baby Shower
Today is my cousin's baby shower. He came up with his wife, Heidi from FL and we are having it at St. Johns high school manor house. Again, there will be chaos. This entire weekend has been chuckfull of Etre togetherness. Friday night my sister Mia had her birthday, last night was my cousin Amie's 30th surprise birthday and today is a baby shower. I swear we multiply like rabbits. Everyone has babies or children....its madness! Well I have to get going to the shower now, it will have kick ass food because my cousin Andrew is catering and his food is AMAZING! soooo I will write again soon.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
the PERFECT day
My idea of a perfect day would be to sleep in only till 10 and then get ready for the day. I would go canoeing in Maine and then get a plane over to MA, just in time for lunch. The I would go to Junior's pizza in Worcester for lunch and enjoy a nice margarita pizza. My private jet would then fly me to go see my boyfriend and bring us into Boston. There we would walk around the park at sunset and eat ice cream...BEFORE dinner! haha Then we would be flone over to Alfornos in Providence for dinner. I would order my favorite meal, baked pasta and grilled pizza and then have tiramisu for desert. Last we would be flown over to the beach and we would camp out under the stars and have a bonfire, beer, and marshmellows! Thats my idea of the PERFECT day!
When I graduated from high school, I couldnt wait to ditch my horrible as that sounds...haha they drove me nuts. Now, I really miss them. I never thought I would miss the tiniest things such as home cooking, my own bed, our movie nights, my siblongs....even my doggy Sammy that I had to walk at 7 every morning. I just miss the feeling of home. College has helped me realize how imortant my family really is to me. I know that I would be lost without them to guide me through my problems, but I am kinda sad that I am not a permanent resident in the Etre household anymore. I dont know if its this way for other students, but I feel like a guest when I come home. Its a really weird feeling to go home and not feel like you've always been there. The normalcy just fades away....I cant wait for the summer to come and I will see everyone again...I miss them!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Funny thing
Is'nt it funny how songs can sometimes spark a memory of someone or something that happend?? I have a song that makes me ALWAYS think of my ex boyfriend....and I have another song....."scratch" that my sister and I listen to when we are in a bad mood. I can remember some songs that were playing in the background when a fun or sad memory took place. When I her it again, it triggers that memory. I think its facinating how my mind works like that..who knows.....maybe other people work that way too. I even have a song that I listen to when I need a good cry. "10000 miles".....its the best!
This weekend
This weekend....I went to my boyfriends school Bentley, and I spent friday through monday hanging out with him. Friday I went to Benltey for his formal and had an absolute ball! The dress was a disaster.....the tailor took up the butt and it looked terrible so i sqeezed myself into her little looked good though! We watched Borat at about two in the morning and we went shopping....overall it was a FUN weekend...!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
This Easter I spent with my Aunt Sue, Uncle Paul, and cousin Michelle. I had a great time.....not to mention the baked ham and taters!! haahaha mmmmm. I love being home! Its the best feeling to catch up with the family and reconnect with them. I miss my sister so much while Im at school. I loved being able to hang out with her and have time to do some sister stuff. I had a great time this weekend.....Im not looking forward to writing the upcoming paper either.....
Thursday, April 5, 2007
"fix you"
You know how theres just those songs that your life seems to connect to?? If you have no idea what im talking about, then your probably not a crazed music fanatic like I am, but there is one song that has taken me on a journey in the past two years. The song "Fix you" by coldplay was playing on the radio when I found out my Memere had colon cancer the summer going into my senior year. It is a song about healing and pain, sorrow, but it has a feeling of progression to it. It makes me feel like there is hope and comfort in the future ahead. It was this song I blasted when I was thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend I met my summer of junior year going into senior year. This was the song that I ironically was on the radio when I found out my Memere's cancer had been eliminated and her chemo was over.....It seems to follow me everywhere. This song is very emotional to me and I play it whenever I lose or gain in a personal relationship. It has helped me move on and hold on just a little longer....I stayed with my boyfriend. Its probably the best thing I ever did...
Monday, April 2, 2007
Dance craze
Today I went to my sister's dance competition and I was completely lost! I was insanely confused with the makeup the girls wore and I seriously couldnt tell who was who! They all looked twenty years old! Even my little ten year old cousins gained several years with all that caked make up on. Well I used to be a dancer and I guess I've been away from it so long I forgot what it is like to be in a competition....scary, hectic, and out of control little girls haha. I never realized how hard everyone works to achieve the "perfect" dance routine. I hope she did well.....we left early so we could watch a movie together and do sister stuff...well thats enough for now...
weekend out
This weekend I went to go visit my friend Liz in Boston. It was her nineteenth birthday and she and I had a ball! We walked around Newbury Street, got lost and then ate in Newton Square. She goes to Mount Ida and there are only 1000 students in her entire school. Her cafeteria was the size of one of my classrooms! I am glad UMASS isnt that school, but sometimes I wish our school was smaller.
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